Redlands Koala Watch Survey
Please check ? If you need more information.
If no, only complete mandatory fields.
Please upload one or more of the best images of your sighting. This is strongly recommended so the record can be validated and used in scientific work.
Please do not try to wake or move a koala to check its health. If part of the koala is not visible, skip that question. If possible, come back later and check to see if the koala has shifted position on its own.
If you are recording your location on a mobile device at the time of sighting, click on the ‘Use my location’ button with the arrow below. Or you can use either the ‘Draw a marker’ button (to move the marker use the layer tools) or click on ‘Add coordinates manually’ below the map and type in the exact GPS coordinates. For more help, see our FAQ’s in the Resources section.
