Select your areas of expertise

Major Vegetation Groups

For the Image Assessment task, we ask that you provide an ecosystem condition score for a suite of photographic images of different habitats allocated to you based on the Major Vegetation Groups and Hutchison geographic agro-climatic classifications that you nominate as being within your area of expertise. Scoring these images will enable your Site Condition Assessments to be calibrated with other participants.

Please select all of the Major Vegetation Groups (MVG) and Hutchison geographic agro-climatic classifications in which you have expertise.

After nominating your areas of expertise, please indicate if you would like your assessments to be de-identified and confirm you have read, understood, and accepted the privacy, IP and ethics arrangements for this project. These arrangements are included in the HCAT instructions manual accessible via the HCAT homepage.

Agro-climatic Classifications

Only members of the HCAT project team will be able to see your name associated with the condition assessments you provide. When HCAT data is included in publicly available material (e.g. publications, reports, presentations, or data repositories) your contributions will be anonymised. Your Image Aassessments will not be made public regardless of your selection - they are used for calibration purposes only

Your individual Site Condition Assessments will be credited in publicly available material. Your Image Aassessments will not be made public regardless of your selection - they are used for calibration purposes only