Share your findings in our database so you and others can discover how your local seashore is changing and learn what we can do to protect it for future generations
Sandy and Muddy Shore Marine metre2 Survey >
Identify and count the marine animals and plants in a metre2 area on the sandy/muddy shore. Suitable for all levels. Learn more
Rocky Shore Marine metre2 Survey >
Identify and count the marine animals and plants in a metre2 area on the rocky shore. Suitable for all levels. Learn more
Sandy and Muddy Shore Transect Survey >
Transect surveys are used to investigate changes in the sandy/muddy intertidal community from the low to high tidal zone. Suitable for senior secondary and tertiary students.Learn more
Rocky Shore Transect Survey >
Transect surveys are used to investigate changes in the rocky intertidal community from the low to high tidal zone. Suitable for senior secondary and tertiary students.Learn more
Photogrammetry Survey >
Photogrammetry is a great add on to your classic Marine Metre² survey and it only takes an extra ten minutes to create an awesome 3D model which you can investigate further when you get home. Learn how